Shadow Lane Spanking Blog
Final volume of Shadow Lane novel series available now February 12 2025, 0 Comments
American Spanking Story is the thirteenth and final volume of my Shadow Lane novel series, that celebrated the romance of discipline, people who play in the scene and bountiful anal eroticism. This hefty paperback is in stock now in our online store. You can also get the ebook version for about ten bucks on amazon and Barnes and Noble. Please tell me how you like my new book! My email is:
Cheers and have a great 2025!
There will be a spanking Labor Day Party weekend In Vegas 2022 May 24 2022, 2 Comments
Oasis is the new group now hosting spanking events in Las Vegas.
Here's the link to find out all about the upcoming late summer event:
This group has already hosted one spanking party in Vegas and they are swell people, super nice and friendly, many old Shadow Lane party goers. They have found a really excellent venue for the Labor Day weekend, not on the strip, but very close to it and secured good rates. I'll be there and so will many Shadow Lane people, going back decades, plus lots of younger enthusiasts. So check them out and book your rooms now.
VegasParties February 21 2022, 5 Comments
Update on VegasParties
by Eve Howard
Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts!
First of all, thanks to everyone who has been responding to the new lower prices on dvd's and placing orders. I have been including bonus dvd's, based on past ordering taste, with each order and will continue to do so, to show my appreciation for your continued patronage and to show off my best work that you might have not seen. And now a note on a party at the end of this week. These new party folk jumped in and launched this spring party quite recently, hence the last minute notice. If this event goes splendidly for them, they will likely keep the Labor Day party weekend going. More on that, as the season approaches. Meanwhile...
If you are a Vegas local or are visiting the weekend of February 24th – Feb 27, 2022, there is a spanking party being hosted by a nice group of people from the Pacific Northwest at a Freemont Street hotel. This is a suite party, with rooms available for the group in the hotel. The one day admission for locals is $53 for Saturday. The general party ticket for the whole multi day event is $106 per person.
To register for this event and find out all the details, visit: VegasParties on
If you don’t already belong to fetlife, it’s easy, free and private to join. The VegasParties threads will lead you to its website on fetlife, with all the details, events, etc.
You can follow the Vegas Party on twitter, the name is: VegasParties and the twitter handle is: @VegasParty2022
I’ll be dropping by the party on Saturday and Sunday.
Announcing a price drop on all dvds! December 27 2021, 22 Comments
Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts and Happy Holidays!
I just dropped the prices on all Shadow Lane dvd's to $19.95. Select multiple titles and I'll throw in a bonus dvd, based on your buying history, which I keep good records of. To all our older fans, who have been with us from the beginning, huge thanks for all the years of custom. Some of you became our models, some our dear friends. Some of you used our personal ads to meet each other. Many came to our parties and promoted social interaction within our fabulous spanking scene. Babies have been born and are now in college because you answered our ads. To people who have just stumbled on our videos, welcome to the always female friendly world of Shadow Lane erotica. In the many years we've been in business, starting in 1986, we've done our best to cater for a full range of spanking tastes and proclivities. Of course, we have favorite themes that we think we've done exceptionally well, such as sex and spanking and anal play and spanking. As always, I am available to consult with, either by phone (702-395-0783) or email: I am happy to answer questions about our products, our models and spanking etiquette. The parties that we hosted for 28 years have now morphed into extremely similar events, hosted by Dr. Lectr (aka, our video top, Joe Strykker) and I will be announcing his next Vegas event as soon as the details are available. Happy New Year and Cheers from Eve of Shadow Lane.
UK and European dvd customers - so sorry about this announcement! July 02 2021, 3 Comments
Dear Customers in the EU and UK,
Sadly I must stop accepting orders from Europe and the United Kingdom as of July 1, 2021.
From now on, all products being shipped across the pond are subject to VAT fees, requiring licensing agreements with all the countries and annual dues to maintain all of that, no matter how small the sales are. I looked into the Byzantine rules and regulations and what is involved to secure a VAT number, even for low volume sellers, and this isn’t going to work for Shadow Lane.
Why not risk shipping as before? Because these rules are going to be enforced by Shopify and our postage meter service. If I were to accept and ship, even a tiny dvd order, to England now, without a VAT number, it would be detained at the post office or maybe even customs, and the buyer would have to retrieve it and pay the tax there. Obviously, that is not workable.
I hope that some of you will decide to join the website and watch the dvd’s in streaming mode.
If you have any questions, please email me at:
To my lovely European and UK customers, thank you for your support. Some of you have just found us recently and I have so enjoyed filling your orders. This whole thing is a bummer. But I can’t think of any way around it.
A Message From Eve May 11, 2021 May 11 2021, 11 Comments
A Message from Eve and Butch
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts!
Well, most of us survived this filthy year. Yay for us!
I’m starting to get calls about Labor Day. Here’s the skinny:
Yes, there will be a party at The Suncoast!
It will be hosted by Joe Strykker, Shadow Lane performer and long time friend and booster of the Shadow Lane party.
It will be a suite party with several floors blocked out for guests.
The ticket price is $105 per person, the room rates for the week of 9/1/21- 9/6/21 start at $59 for Mon-Thur dates, $115 for Friday and Saturday.
You MUST register for this party online at Joe’s party website:
After you have registered, you will be given the code for room bookings. I believe Paypal is how Joe is accepting payments, but there is a way to query him through his website with questions.
Of course, Butch and I will be attending the party!
Joe is capping attendance at 200, so register soon if you plan to attend.
See you there!
Note about Shadow Lane orders
Although we have suspending shooting for now (don’t really have the heart to shoot without Tony), we will still continue to sell our 240 titles on our website. I fill all the orders and as many of you have already discovered, I give bonus titles with every order, based on your tastes and my records of what you have already purchased.
Due to Louis DeJoy’s gambit to undermine the nation’s trust in and regard for, the US Postal Service, by limiting hours, trimming staff, rerouting deliveries, removing sorting machines, etc, some of my orders are taking up to two or more weeks to reach their destination. This has nothing to do with Shadow Lane. I fill my orders on the day I get them, or the next day at the latest. Usual delivery time across country used to be 3-5 days. Now, it’s anyone’s guess.
A new board of overseers is about to be appointed at the Post Office and the hope is that they will be able to stop the deliberate slowing down of the mail. This business of “cost cutting” was never a necessity, since the post office is not in place to make money, but serve the American people, which it had been doing brilliantly for hundreds of years. Needless to say, I’ve had more complaints in the last year about late deliveries than I had in the previous 34 years of being in mail order.
Clare Fonda News
If you have Amazon Prime, please support the dual arts of spanking and comedy, by renting Sally Mullin’s comedy special “Sleazy Does It” for a couple of bucks. Sally makes fun of sex, herself and her crazy life as a stand-up comic/fetish and porn star for the last 20 years. If you think she’s irreverently hilarious in her spankporn, wait until you hear her original routine. Like many of our models, she goes all in on animal rescue and is always fostering doggies and kitties and finding them good homes or keeping them herself, so when you patronize her comedy, you’re feeding her animals, and she’d be the first to tell you that.
Spanking Sessions
Due to still being in a highly emotional state since Tony’s passing last April, I find myself unready to resume sessions at this point in time. Therefore, I am referring Vegas visitors in need of corporal punishment to:
Gretta Carlson, who has been with Shadow Lane as an amiable switch and superb top, since the early 90’s. Her contact info is for queries:
text or call: 702-300-7743
or: Erin Faye, who starred in Erin Faye, Disciplinarian and The Naughty Flirt for Shadow Lane in recent years. She’s a strong, stern, serious young top, highly capable and extremely ladylike. Very effective spanker. Her website for booking sessions in Vegas is:
Mistress Stephanie Locke is available for phone sessions, counseling and related conversations on, where she goes by Goddess Tempestra, under Spanking Mistresses.
Take care everyone! As always, I’m available to answer questions by phone or text at: 702 395-0783. Or email:
A Message from Eve Howard June 2020 June 06 2020, 10256 Comments
Eve Howard’s Spanking Blog
Dear Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts
There are no words to express my sadness this Spring, for my husband of 34 years, Tony Elka, passed away on April 5, 2020, after a four month battle with metastatic cancer. He was sixty years old.
As many of you know, along with Butch Simms, Tony was my partner in Shadow Lane. He was the head of our camera crew, our video editor, sound engineer, network manager, book keeper, and so much more. As a matter of fact, Shadow Lane’s very first spanking video, features Tony and me. All the musical intros to our videos were played and recorded by Tony.
Many of you spoke with him on the phone, not once but many times, for he was dedicated to making our customers happy. He would answer questions, provide referrals, sometimes just be a friend to a lonely guy or gal who had no one else to talk about the scene with. A number of our shyest female customers, even got their first real spanking from Tony at one of our parties. He was so great at making people feel comfortable with being into this.
Someday I will write a proper eulogy for the best of husbands and the best of men. Suffice to say, there will never be another like him and there never would have been a Shadow Lane if it wasn’t for him.
The Next Party
Even though Shadow Lane is no longer hosting the Labor Day party in Las Vegas, the party will still take place, in the same great location that everyone enjoys so much and has been so welcoming to us over the years, The Suncoast Casino and Resort Hotel.
The Labor Day Weekend party reboot will be hosted by Dr. Lectr, aka Joe Strykker, whom many of you know, if not from his own decade of generously hosting suite parties during Shadow Lane party weekends, from a number of our best recent videos, in which he has starred. He’s a terrific guy and the biggest booster of the scene I’ve ever met. Give him the same support, loyalty and love you’ve always given us and he come through for you.
Go to this website to find out more about the new Shadow Lodge Labor Day party:
Shadow Lane's Red & Green Sale! December 18 2019, 56 Comments
Shadow Lane's Red & Green Sale ends Thursday morning!
Beginning now and ending Thursday, December 26th at 9:30 AM, you can treat yourself to new and vintage Shadow Lane spanking DVDs at 50% off the full price!
DVDs available include our latest title “Inspected and Corrected” starring Nikki Rouge and introducing Rachel Adams and Lola Belle.
Point your web browser towards:
And Door to Door and Cheek to Cheek” starring Alex Reynolds, Veronica Weston and Joe Stryker.
Point your web browser towards:
This 50% discount applies to ALL Shadow Lane DVDs, including our classic titles and most recent releases.
NOTE: This sale does not apply to books, magazines, boxed compilation sets, etc.
Point your web-browser towards:
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Featured Classics November 04 2019, 22 Comments
The following are some of our most popular titles from the past, all still available through our secure online Shopify system:
Alexis Payne administers a bare bottom hairbrush spanking to Kiri Kelly in Our Sorority Part 2
A few more from this title:
Tanya Foxx's paddling
And one more of Kiri getting the hairbrush:
A Lover's Discipline was the first over the knee spanking video from any producer to include a bit of sexual foreplay (penetration) along with excellent spankings, starring Angela Faith and Brian Tarsis:
A Lover's Discipline Is Available Here
Spanked Husband, starring Natasha Sweet, Kat and Arthur Sire.
Spanked Husband available here
A Brother's Advice starring Angie Sunshine, Trisha Morrow, Gino Colletti and Harrison Dell
A Brother's Advice available here
Double Feature #1 starring Georgia Gold, Chelsea Pfeiffer, Nick Phoenix and Vincent Calabrese
Double Feature #1 available here
Spoiled Rotten, starring Tanya Foxx and Keith Jones.
Spoiled Rotten is available here
Hard Discipline starring Kiri Kelly and Alexis Payne
Hard Discipline is available here
And all the rest of our spanking DVDs (from the classics to the latest) can be browsed here
Eve Howard's Spanking Blog Autumn 2019 November 02 2019, 22 Comments
I recently visited my old neighborhood in Studio City, California, where our first parties were held and where we shot so many of our early videos. A channel of the L.A. river runs along this street called Valleyheart, for a couple of miles. You can just see the water behind me, it’s pretty shallow now, but when it rains hard, it rushes like a mighty river. Tony, Butch and I used to live one block from here, occupying five apartments between our residences and the Shadow Lane offices. Fetish erotica was shot and produced in such neighborhoods all over the Valley in the nineties. Still is. Stephanie Locke and I would stroll here, planning mischief together. Then we’d walk to one of the many unique coffee houses in the neighborhood.
Clare Fonda did her stand up comedy routine at our last party. Steven Fuller was our suite host, along with Keith Jones.
Sarah Gregory was one of the long time Shadow Lane models who spoke at our panel discussion about the changing social spanking scene. She revealed that she got her first truly meaningful adult spanking about ten years ago, at a Shadow Lane party, from Stephanie Locke. It was a lovely anecdote.
We have loved the parties and hope they will always be considered part of Shadow Lane’s identity. But my favorite part of them has always been the part where I get to play, one on one, with cool people. I plan to continue doing that, but without the stress and responsibility of hosting.
Of course, we are still shooting videos. Here are some pix from our newest spanking dramas.
Door to Door and Cheek to Cheek
Starring Alex Reynolds, Veronica Weston and Joe Stryker
Perky pledges must seek a strict disciplinarian to administer their Sorority Hell Week punishments
It’s Hell week at Lambda Sigma Zeta and pledges Alex and Veronica have been tasked with finding someone who will discipline them in 4 different ways! After being indignantly rejected by a number of strangers, the girls chance to knock on the door of Joe Stryker, a gentleman conversant with every form of corporal punishment and an expert practitioner thereof. Sizing up the tasty pair, Joe decides to subject them to as much spanking, strapping and paddling they can stand, for the honor of their sorority.
After smartening up their bottoms, both separately and in tandem, Joe instructs the willing, rosy-bottomed girls in the useful art of administering spanking discipline to each other.
Inspected and Corrected
Starring Nikki Rouge and introducing Lola Belle and Rachel Adams
Two lazy brats are sternly disciplined by strict Head Mistress Rouge!
It’s midterm disciplinary review time and Braemar seniors Rachel and Lola are in for a painful session with their demanding head mistress.
Rachel Adams makes her Shadow Lane debut with this production. She is so lovely, she cries very easily, really feels her spankings and is delightfully ink and piercing free, with lovely natural proportions and soft brown hair.
Cutting classes, late assignments and poor attitudes, earn both miscreants over the knee spankings, hard strapping and wood paddling.
Finally, both girls fully nude, bend over side by side for a tandem punishment, including the cane. Their flawless bottoms turn from white to dark rose red as Miss Rouge administers round after round of stinging discipline with a full arsenal of time tested implements of correction.
Both winsome Rachel and adorable Lola Belle are new to Shadow Lane, naturally beautiful and sweetly compliant submissives.
Lola Belle is a Vegas girl, so you’ll be seeing her again soon in other Shadow Lane videos. She is really someone special.
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas with Eve Howard
Want to try out my spanking bench, as if you were in a Shadow Lane video? Want to do corner time in my studio? With photos taken of your burnished bottom as reminders of our time together?
I am available for sessions on your next visit to Vegas if you meet the following criteria: You are a lifelong spanking enthusiast. You are a Shadow Lane customer or can provide references from another professional disciplinarian who has spanked you. You enjoy the idea of submitting to a mature woman. You are focused on discipline and punishment, for either self improvement or sensory pleasure. You are polite, well behaved and thoroughly submissive when you are in receiving mode. You are meticulously clean when you show up for a spanking. You are interested in exploring your tolerance and the way a real spanking makes you feel.
If you are intrigued and excited by the idea of submitting to me, write me a letter about yourself and when you’ll be in Vegas and maybe we can set up an appointment. Email: or text me a query to: 702-395-0783.
New video "Inspected & Corrected" plus 50% off DVD sale! October 30 2019, 12 Comments
Point your web browser towards:
Beginning now and ending Thursday, November 7th at 9:30 AM, you can treat yourself to new and vintage Shadow Lane spanking DVDs at 50% off the full price!
This includes our latest title “Inspected and Corrected” starring Nikki Rouge and introducing Rachel Adams and Lola Belle.
Point your web browser towards:
Two lazy brats are sternly disciplined by strict Head Mistress Rouge!
Starring Nikki Rouge and introducing Lola Belle and Rachel Adams
It’s midterm disciplinary review time and Braemar seniors Rachel and Lola are in for a painful session with their demanding head mistress. Cutting classes, late assignments and poor attitudes, earn both miscreants over the knee spankings, hard strapping and wood paddling. Finally, both girls fully nude, bend over side by side for a tandem punishment, including the cane. Their flawless bottoms turn from white to dark rose red as Miss Rouge administers round after round of stinging discipline with a full arsenal of time tested implements of correction.
Both winsome Rachel and adorable Lola Belle are new to Shadow Lane, naturally beautiful and sweetly compliant submissives.
Running time: 45 minutes.
This 50% discount applies to ALL Shadow Lane DVDs, including our classic titles and most recent releases.
NOTE: This sale does not apply to publications, party tickets, boxed compilation sets, etc.
Point your web browser towards:
Point your web browser towards:
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October 2019 50% Off DVD Sale October 11 2019, 10 Comments
Point your web browser towards:
Beginning now and ending Friday, October 18th at 9:30 AM, you can treat yourself to new and vintage Shadow Lane spanking DVDs at 50% off the full price!
This includes our two new compilations, The Kailee Collection:
and The Anal Discipline Collection 1:
Point your web browser towards:
This discount applies to ALL Shadow Lane DVDs, including our classic titles and most recent releases.
NOTE: This sale does not apply to publications, party tickets, boxed compilation sets, etc.
Shadow Lane: September 50% off DVD Sale September 15 2019, 10 Comments
50% off DVD Sale
Point your web browser towards:
Beginning now and ending Sunday, September 22nd at 9:30 AM, you can treat yourself to new and vintage Shadow Lane spanking DVDs at 50% off the full price!
Over 239 different spanking DVDs are available for your consideration, including our latest title, “Door to Door and Cheek to Cheek” starring Alex Reynolds, Veronica Weston and Joe Striker.
Point your web-browser towards:
It’s Hell week at Lambda Sigma Zeta and pledges Alex and Veronica have been tasked with finding someone who will discipline them in 4 different ways! After being indignantly rejected by a number of strangers, the girls chance to knock on the door of Joe Stryker, a gentleman conversant with every form of corporal punishment and an expert practitioner thereof. Sizing up the tasty pair, Joe decides to subject them to as much spanking, strapping and paddling they can stand, for the honor of their sorority. After smartening up their bottoms, both separately and in tandem, Joe instructs the willing, rosy-bottomed girls in the useful art of administering spanking discipline to each other.
This discount applies to ALL Shadow Lane DVDs, including our classic titles and most recent releases.
NOTE: This sale does not apply to publications, party tickets, boxed compilation sets, etc.
Point your web browser towards:
Shadow Lane 2019 Event Schedule August 27 2019, 22 Comments
Shadow Lane 2019 Party - Schedule of Events
Hard and soft drinks and snacks provided each night and playing encouraged in all party suites.
7pm-12am Registration room 860
8pm room 960 opens for the weekend.
9pm-midnight Registration continues/suite opens room 860
9pm-midnight Amateur Spankings Party Suite 1036
11:30 AM-2pm host venue Buffet with socalswitchguy and katieinsm
2pm-4pm Newbie Party with ColoDom & Spank4fun 10th floor. (room tba)
2pm-7pm Vendor's fair room 960 (sign-up)
4-6pm Cigar social by the pool
8pm Shadow Lane memories & memorabilia with Miss Chris and Eve Howard room 960
9pm registration continues/suite open room 860
10PM-2AM Naughty School Girls Suite Party - Hosted by MasterMerlin, Suite 1005
9pm-midnight Amateur Spankings Party Suite 1036
11:30am-2pm host venue Buffet with socalswitchguy and katieinsm
1pm-3pm Club 960/Finn ladies pampering event room 960
2pm-4pm bad boys party with Harry room 1006
4pm-6pm Middles party with Alex Reynolds room 960
Clare Fonda will be performing stand up comedy in Suite 860
9pm Final registration/suite open room 860
Noon CP court with Strict Dave room 960
5pm judicial punishment (sign up event) room 960
Wear, or be able to show your button at all times Friday or Saturday in both room 860 and room 960 as proof of payment.
Remember if you are wearing your button on the casino floor that you are representing discreet. (the staff especially knows what the buttons mean)
helpful advice for newbies and veterans by ColoDom
more helpful party advice and wisdom from -JC
Shadow Lane: 50% off DVD Sale, Our 39th Party August 11 2019, 13 Comments
50% off DVD Sale
Point your web browser towards:
Beginning now and ending Sunday, August 18th at 9:30 AM, you can treat yourself to new and vintage Shadow Lane spanking DVDs at 50% off the full price!
Over 238 different spanking DVDs are available for your consideration.
Point your web browser towards:
Our 39th Party
Is the Shadow Lane Party on your bucket list?
Then, don’t miss our Casino Royale Party 2019
For, this will be the last officially hosted by Shadow Lane
After 28 years, Tony, Butch and I will conclude our party hosting with our 39th gala event. So please come and join us, because we love you all!
Some of you go back with us those entire 28 years.
The pic above of Clare Fonda and me, was taken a few weeks ago, at The Sportsman’s Lodge, site of our first decade of parties, in Studio City, California.
If you were there, you’ll never forget that dear hotel and all the lovely games we played there together.
Some of you met your significant others at our parties. Some of you lost your spanking cherry at them. And even more touching, many made friendships that will last a lifetime, at Shadow Lane. So, come visit with us this summer, share your stories and if you want to get spanked, just ask, that’s what we’re there for.
Nor is this the end of Vegas parties, simply a transition. For we are passing the Vegas baton to party host extraordinaire Joe Lectr (aka Joe Stryker), who has transformed the suite party scene with his youthful energy and unique imagination for years.
Shadow Lane will continue producing videos!
Cut-off date for group reservations is July 28, 2019. Click HERE to order tickets and reserve your room at The Suncoast now!
Details of the Labor Day Party Weekend
Labor Day weekend, September 2019 at The Suncoast Hotel Casino in Las Vegas
Tickets are $80.00 per person. This admits you to our cocktail party and spanking mixer all four nights.
Hard and soft drinks and snacks provided each night and playing encouraged in all party suites.
Not sure of our suite numbers yet, but there will be two anchor suites to wander between, along with other suites open for play and visiting throughout the weekend.
Many events of interest to spanking fans will occur over the long weekend. Check the board in our suite and Joe’s. Times are not set yet.
Shadow Lane Registration Suite Schedule
Thursday 8/29/19
4 pm – 7 pm Opens for Registration (get your button from Tony, Eve or Butch)
Suite closes for two hours, reopens at 9 pm - midnight
Friday 8/30/19 and Saturday 8/31/19 7 pm to midnight
Sunday 9/1/19 8 pm to Midnight
Host with the Most, Dr. Lectr, tends to keep his suite open throughout the weekend.
Activities schedules will be posted in both suites. Other suite parties will be announced and on the schedules.
Use our shopping cart to order ticket online: CLICK HERE
Or call us at: 702-395-0783 to order by phone
Or send checks/money orders to us, made out to:
Shadow Lane, P.O. Box 751573, Las Vegas, NV 89136-1573
Party attire and protocol: Fetish wear (super short skirts, uniforms, corsets, latex, etc.) is always welcome in our suite, but please be discreet when going down to the casino, so as not to attract undue attention to our group.
Be as discreet in your behavior, don't engage in obvious spank talk in elevators, pool areas or anywhere in the hotel other than our suites and your own rooms. Keep doors to suites and rooms closed. No playing or shouting or screaming with hilarity in the halls. No signage on rooms, per request of the hotel.
If you’re on FetLife, visit the group Shadow Lane Spanking for updates and notes on who will be attending. If you have questions, call or text us at: 702-395-0783
Do not invite other hotel guests or employees to "check out" our party. Only Shadow Lane ticket holders are welcome in our private suites. What do you say if someone asks you what kind of group you’re with? I suggest: A Debating Club. Dr. Lectr likes the phrase “Speaking Society”. Both work great. Bottom line, no pun, it’s none of anyone else’s business why we are partying all weekend.
All ticket holders will receive a spiffy, collectible Shadow Lane party button upon arrival at our suite, that will serve as their admission token to all events. Wear your button whenever you enter a party suite that weekend.
Cutoff date for guaranteed room reservations at the group rates is July 28th, 2019. The party officially starts on Thursday night and goes through Sunday. Some guests may get there as early as Wednesday and stay through Monday, as low weekday group rates apply.
Group Rates for the party week
Sunday through Thursday $65; Friday and Saturday $125 for regular deluxe and golf view rooms (add $5 more for golf view rooms each night)
Sunday through Thursday $249, Friday and Saturday $299 1 bedroom executive suite
Sunday through Thursday $319, Friday and Saturday $399 2-bedroom Mediterranean suite
Sunday through Thursday $529, Friday and Saturday $599 2-bedroom Presidential Suite
Hotel has a mandatory resort fee of $20.99 plus a 13% room tax per per day. Benefits include access to the 24-hour fitness center, Wi-Fi in the guest rooms, self-parking, single serve coffee brewers, in-room safe, in-room refrigerator, unlimited toll free and local telephone calls, wake up service and paging.
Prior to cut-off date, individuals are encouraged to book their reservations on-line. To receive your special group rate members will need to enter the assigned Reservation ID: ASHDW19 through the Hotel’s website CLICK HERE
Prior to cut-off date, individuals may also call Hotel’s Room Reservations Department direct at 866-636-7111 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and identify themselves as members of a group or convention with Reservation ID: ASHDW19
If you have any questions call us at 702 395 0783 or text us to that number. Or, email us: or
Eve Howard's Spanking Blog Summer 2019 July 12 2019, 39 Comments
Is the Shadow Lane Party on your bucket list?
Then, don’t miss our Casino Royale Party 2019
For, this will be the last officially hosted by Shadow Lane
After 28 years, Tony, Butch and I will conclude our party hosting with our 39th gala event. So please come and join us, because we love you all!
Some of you go back with us those entire 28 years.
The pic above of Clare Fonda and me, was taken a few weeks ago, at The Sportsman’s Lodge, site of our first decade of parties, in Studio City, California.
If you were there, you’ll never forget that dear hotel and all the lovely games we played there together.
Some of you met your significant others at our parties. Some of you lost your spanking cherry at them. And even more touching, many made friendships that will last a lifetime, at Shadow Lane. So, come visit with us this summer, share your stories and if you want to get spanked, just ask, that’s what we’re there for.
Nor is this the end of Vegas parties, simply a transition. For we are passing the Vegas baton to party host extraordinaire Joe Lectr (aka Joe Stryker), who has transformed the suite party scene with his youthful energy and unique imagination for years.
Shadow Lane will continue producing videos!
Cut-off date for group reservations is July 28, 2019. Click HERE to order tickets and reserve your room at The Suncoast now!
Details of the Labor Day Party Weekend
Labor Day weekend, September 2019 at The Suncoast Hotel Casino in Las Vegas
Tickets are $80.00 per person. This admits you to our cocktail party and spanking mixer all four nights.
Hard and soft drinks and snacks provided each night and playing encouraged in all party suites.
Not sure of our suite numbers yet, but there will be two anchor suites to wander between, along with other suites open for play and visiting throughout the weekend.
Many events of interest to spanking fans will occur over the long weekend. Check the board in our suite and Joe’s. Times are not set yet.
Shadow Lane Registration Suite Schedule
Thursday 8/29/19
4 pm – 7 pm Opens for Registration (get your button from Tony, Eve or Butch)
Suite closes for two hours, reopens at 9 pm - midnight
Friday 8/30/19 and Saturday 8/31/19 7 pm to midnight
Sunday 9/1/19 8 pm to Midnight
Host with the Most, Dr. Lectr, tends to keep his suite open throughout the weekend.
Activities schedules will be posted in both suites. Other suite parties will be announced and on the schedules.
Use our shopping cart to order ticket online: CLICK HERE
Or call us at: 702-395-0783 to order by phone
Or send checks/money orders to us, made out to:
Shadow Lane, P.O. Box 751573, Las Vegas, NV 89136-1573
Party attire and protocol: Fetish wear (super short skirts, uniforms, corsets, latex, etc.) is always welcome in our suite, but please be discreet when going down to the casino, so as not to attract undue attention to our group.
Be as discreet in your behavior, don't engage in obvious spank talk in elevators, pool areas or anywhere in the hotel other than our suites and your own rooms. Keep doors to suites and rooms closed. No playing or shouting or screaming with hilarity in the halls. No signage on rooms, per request of the hotel.
If you’re on FetLife, visit the group Shadow Lane Spanking for updates and notes on who will be attending. If you have questions, call or text us at: 702-395-0783
Do not invite other hotel guests or employees to "check out" our party. Only Shadow Lane ticket holders are welcome in our private suites. What do you say if someone asks you what kind of group you’re with? I suggest: A Debating Club. Dr. Lectr likes the phrase “Speaking Society”. Both work great. Bottom line, no pun, it’s none of anyone else’s business why we are partying all weekend.
All ticket holders will receive a spiffy, collectible Shadow Lane party button upon arrival at our suite, that will serve as their admission token to all events. Wear your button whenever you enter a party suite that weekend.
Cutoff date for guaranteed room reservations at the group rates is July 28th, 2019. The party officially starts on Thursday night and goes through Sunday. Some guests may get there as early as Wednesday and stay through Monday, as low weekday group rates apply.
Group Rates for the party week
Sunday through Thursday $65; Friday and Saturday $125 for regular deluxe and golf view rooms (add $5 more for golf view rooms each night)
Sunday through Thursday $249, Friday and Saturday $299 1 bedroom executive suite
Sunday through Thursday $319, Friday and Saturday $399 2-bedroom Mediterranean suite
Sunday through Thursday $529, Friday and Saturday $599 2-bedroom Presidential Suite
Hotel has a mandatory resort fee of $20.99 plus a 13% room tax per per day. Benefits include access to the 24-hour fitness center, Wi-Fi in the guest rooms, self-parking, single serve coffee brewers, in-room safe, in-room refrigerator, unlimited toll free and local telephone calls, wake up service and paging.
Prior to cut-off date, individuals are encouraged to book their reservations on-line. To receive your special group rate members will need to enter the assigned Reservation ID: ASHDW19 through the Hotel’s website CLICK HERE
Prior to cut-off date, individuals may also call Hotel’s Room Reservations Department direct at 866-636-7111 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and identify themselves as members of a group or convention with Reservation ID: ASHDW19
If you have any questions call us at 702 395 0783 or text us to that number. Or, email us: or
Eve Howard's Blog Spring 2019 April 23 2019, 17 Comments
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts!
It’s Spring again and that means three to four hundred of the most adventurous among us, are flying or driving to spanking events all around the country. There are parties in New York, New Jersey, Texas, Chicago, and of course our party in Vegas on Labor Day weekend.
This would include a core of people who come year after year and then, new attendees, who manage to find these events. But, why hundreds and not thousands? Part of it has to do with the rather exclusive grapevine through which these events are publicized, namely on the party hosts’ individual websites, Fetlife or Twitter. There are no big ads for them. They aren’t even slightly mainstream. They are just for we, the initiated.
The second reason why spanking events are not gigantic, is that most people are intimidated by the idea of putting themselves out there, in a social milieu, with others of our kind. It may seem a little scary, there may be fears that the other guests are weird, too old or too young, too pretty or not cute enough, too wild or unpredictable, too sexy or stodgy, to fixated on scene etiquette and therefore uptight or judgmental, or too potentially volatile. In other words, people are afraid of the unknown. And furthermore, it is more than reasonable to be cautious when entering a brand new social scene that has the potential to a. physically hurt you, albeit consensually and b. to potentially “blow your cover” so to speak, as an ordinary vanilla citizen. That’s why dedicated party hosts have newbies orientations suites and disciplinarians conduct Q & A sessions. Also, if you’ve never been to a party, Tony and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have if you just call us at 702-395-0763. But rest assured, we understand privacy issues. And we understand the concerns of those who have never played before. We will be there in the main suite to answer questions.
Pictures from parties are mostly of models. This is because most guests need to be careful with their secret lives and simply don’t elect to be photographed. This doesn’t mean that the only people you will see or meet at parties are models. Far, far from it!
Just realize that spanking people are simply a cross section of humanity, but with the twist that we all have in common our love of the scene. It’s easy to talk to a spanking person. Much easier than to make conversation with a stranger at a straight world party.
What is the most logical way to start a conversation with a person at a spanking party? Simply ask their orientation. People like being asked that. Not only do most people enjoy talking about themselves, but it immediately puts both people at ease because they are honestly stating who they are and why they are at the party. “I’m a switch.” “I’m a top.” “I’m a submissive or spankee.” “I’m a dominant switch.” “I’m 70% bottom, 30% top.” All of these are answers that immediately give you something to launch a conversation from. Another good question, “Would you say you were experienced?” This can lead to anything from hearing the story of someone’s life to their confession that their experiences are mostly of the voyeuristic kind, or that they are still having fantasies off their childhood experiences, but have yet to play, and that’s why they finally came to a party.
Spanking people are nothing to be afraid of! They are us and they are you, if you’re reading this.
If you’re a dreamer, not a player yet, know that all the pleasures you dream of, are not impossible to obtain. Nothing this sublime comes easily. You do have to bestir yourself to action and put yourself out there once in a while. The rewards are immense. That’s why some of the most ordinary and average looking and appearing people in the scene, as well as the hot, young hipsters, are leading fabulously exciting secret lives of scene friendships, parties, playing, relationships, etc. They were proactive and they seized their opportunities.
This year, come to your first spanking party!
Casino Royale Party 2019
Join us for our 39th event in 28 years!
Labor Day weekend, September 2019 at The Suncoast Hotel Casino in Las Vegas
Tickets are $80.00 per person. This admits you to our cocktail party and spanking mixer all four nights.
Hard and soft drinks and snacks provided each night and playing encouraged in all party suites.
Not sure of our suite numbers yet, but there will be two anchor suites to wander between, along with other suites open for play and visiting throughout the weekend.
Many events of interest to spanking fans will occur over the long weekend. Such as: Newbies orientation, Judicial Court, Club Finn female pampering spa, Bad Boys Suite, Littles, Middles, Silent Auction, Cigar social, Vendor Fair, Discipline seminars and more. Of course, most important of all, opportunities for meeting people and playing with them, both in the public rooms, and/or in private. And, as important as playing, is being with your old friends and making new ones in the scene. Also, you’ll be in Vegas!
Shadow Lane Registration Suite Schedule
Thursday 8/29/19
4 pm – 7 pm Opens for Registration (get your button from Tony, Eve or Butch)
Suite closes for two hours, reopens at 9 pm - midnight
Friday 8/30/19 and Saturday 8/31/19 7 pm to midnight
Sunday 9/1/19 8 pm to Midnight
Host with the Most, Dr. Lectr, tends to keep his suite open throughout the weekend, regardless of hour.
Activities schedules will be posted in both suites. Other suite parties will be announced and on the schedules.
Use our shopping cart to order ticket online
Or call us at: 702-395-0783 to order by phone
Or send checks/money orders to us, made out to: Shadow Lane, our mailing address is:
Shadow Lane, P.O. Box 751573, Las Vegas, NV 89136-1573
Party attire and protocol: Fetish wear (super short skirts, uniforms, corsets, latex, etc.) is always welcome in our suite, but please be discreet when going down to the casino, so as not to attract undue attention to our group.
Be as discreet in your behavior, don't engage in obvious spank talk in elevators, pool areas or anywhere in the hotel other than our suites and your own rooms. Keep doors to suites and rooms closed. No playing in the halls. No signage on rooms, per request of the hotel.
If you’re on, visit Shadow Lane Spanking for updates and notes on who will be attending. If you have questions, call or text us at: 702-395-0783
Do not invite other hotel guests or employees to "check out" our party. Only Shadow Lane ticket holders are welcome in our private suites. What do you say if someone asks you what kind of group you’re with? I suggest: A Debating Club. Dr. Lectr likes the phrase “Speaking Society”. Both work great. Bottom line, no pun, it’s none of anyone else’s business why we are partying all weekend.
All ticket holders will receive a spiffy, collectible Shadow Lane party button upon arrival at our suite, that will serve as their admission token to all events. Wear your button whenever you enter a party suite that weekend.
Cutoff date for guaranteed room reservations at the group rates is July 28th, 2019. The party officially starts on Thursday night and goes through Sunday. Some guests may get there as early as Wednesday and stay through Monday, as low weekday group rates apply.
Group Rates for the party week
Sunday through Thursday $65; Friday and Saturday $125 for regular deluxe and golf view rooms (add $5 more for golf view rooms each night)
Sunday through Thursday $249, Friday and Saturday $299 1 bedroom executive suite
Sunday through Thursday $319, Friday and Saturday $399 2-bedroom Mediterranean suite
Sunday through Thursday $529, Friday and Saturday $599 2-bedroom Presidential Suite
Hotel has a mandatory resort fee of $20.99 plus a 13% room tax per per day. Benefits include access to the 24-hour fitness center, Wi-Fi in the guest rooms, self-parking, single serve coffee brewers, in-room safe, in-room refrigerator, unlimited toll free and local telephone calls, wake up service and paging.
Prior to cut-off date, individuals are encouraged to book their reservations on-line. To receive your special group rate members will need to enter the assigned Reservation ID: ASHDW19 through the Hotel’s website HERE
Prior to cut-off date, individuals may also call Hotel’s Room Reservations Department direct at 866-636-7111 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and identify themselves as members of a group or convention with Reservation ID: ASHDW19
If you have any questions call us at 702 395 0783 or text us to that number. Or, email me:
Meanwhile, I have a lovely line up of recent videos to share photos from!
Scenes from The Naughty Flirt
Introducing our strict new top, Erin Faye!
Erin lures her sexy neighbor girl into her house on an innocent pretext, but really, the indignant brunette means to physically confront the vixen next door, for coming onto her boyfriend!
Violet has been getting Erin’s guy to do chores, fix things and pay court to her, which leads directly to Erin taking Violet over her lap and spanking her luscious bottom as smartly as she can, as both a punishment and a warning.
Erin drives her message home with a tawse, a paddle and strap.
Shadow Lane is delighted to introduce serious new female top Erin Faye to our ranks! This was her professional spanking video debut and we look forward to working with her again.
I’d also like to draw attention to her marvelously luxurious two yards of hair! It’s all real and quite a joy to behold.
Violet October is as always, an enchanting little brat.
The Naughty Flirt is available HERE
Scenes from Deep in the End Zone
Starring Dee Williams and Nikki Rouge
Clinical therapist Dee Williams is caught freelancing clients away from Braemar by strict supervisor Nikki Rouge, who declares that only the most severe correction will save Dee from dismissal.
This means a spanking, a paddling, a butt-plugged flogging, an enema and a stringent 24 stroke caning for the erring employee.
This fabulous corporal punishment drama takes Dee from fully dressed, to classic retro foundation garments with seamed hose to fully nude, cane striped and thoroughly purged of her naughtiness!
Dee receives a brisk flogging while plugged. Look at Nikki’s beautiful, graceful form, combining elegance and power, while her buxom blonde submissive just takes it all in. She really has no choice.
Through the generosity of a spanking angel that we know, we are able to occasionally produce one of these enema discipline tour de force videos. And this same patron of the scene, always has one more requirement of our submissive, that she also endure a hard, 24 stroke, post enema caning. Here is the end result.
Deep in the End Zone is available HERE
Scenes from Spoiler Alert
Veronica Weston and Steve Fuller
A mischievous blonde is spanked by a stern male top over pantyhose and panties, bare bottomed and fully nude; with hand, paddle and strap!
Naughty, sexy Veronica catches the attention of a cute man in her book club, by posting the endings of the novels they are reading, for all the outraged members to see. Steve is drafted to eject her from the club or punish her infamous breech of etiquette. Veronica opts for the corporal punishment and goes for a memorable ride across Steve’s sturdy lap.
Pantyhose pinioned and sexily spread, with her bare bottom up-thrust, Veronica’s beauty is breath taking. This ingenious restraint is inspired by the most spirited leg kicking and flirtatious giggling imaginable.
Another look at one of the most exquisite bottoms in the West.
Veronica is delectably nude for the later part of the story and takes a great spanking from start to finish. Steve is, as usual, a superb top.
Spoiler Alert is available HERE
Remembering Four Spanking Friends
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of four friends of Shadow Lane and active party attendees, some for decades, who have left this world in the last few months. If you’ve been to many a party over the years, you’re bound to remember one or more of these fine people.
The first was known as “Ben Man” in the scene. He was a very sweet older gentleman from Maryland, who came to many parties and kindly patronized a number of models so that he could live out some of his wildest fantasies in his later years. My dear friend Brad D., lived near him; and because poor Ben’s family was depleted by grave illnesses, Brad stepped in at the end and was like a son to Ben, visiting him all the time and giving him what comfort and support he could. When friends act like family, they become family. And there are many such families in our scene.
Next to pass away was Bill G. from Maine. Bill and his dear wife Evie came to our parties for about twenty-five years. His last party was about three years ago, and he was already eighty. They were a devoted, darling couple. She supported his love of spanking and even when in delicate health herself, came to every party with him. Bill was an ardent Democrat and we are especially sad that he didn’t get to see his favorite, Joe Biden make his bid for the WH. He would have gotten such a kick out of that.
Many of our West Coast party goers will remember Lou, of Lou and Candee. He was a lovely top with a big beard and rather a BDSM/Santa Claus aspect to him. He also passed away at the end of the winter. He gave Butch and Tony a lot of incredibly useful auto repair advice last year. Our condolences go out to our dear friend Candee. We are so sorry for your loss. He was beloved and will be extremely missed.
Finally, and I’m sure this announcement will resonate with many more of us, “The London Tanner”, Ian, has died this week, in Malaga, Spain, after struggling with many illnesses for the last several years. I don’t think I know a serious player who doesn’t own two or three of his magnificent leather paddles or straps, for he made the best there ever was. His implements were made to last a lifetime and those of us who are lucky enough to own some, will continue to cherish these beautiful, strong, handmade objects of our special culture.
Ian was kind of a celebrity. He was an original Mod, even did some modeling in the 60’s, and had a small part in the film “Performance” starring Mick Jagger.
Ian loved to party, in every possible way, bless his heart. And he was the life of the party as well. No one who met him, can ever forget him. Farewell to a splendid fellow, and a true character, who lived the scene, gave to the scene, loved it and made it a better scene through his skills and presence in it.
Happily, The London Tanners line of implements is in very good hands, you can still purchase their magnificent toys HERE
Spanking Sessions in Vegas
with Eve Howard
Picture yourself over my lap! This unique pleasure can be yours on your next trip to Las Vegas. Never had a spanking but have dreamt of one for as long as you can remember? I’d be a fine introductory top, for I’m not a sadist or at all irresponsible. What I am is as into spanking as anyone you will ever meet. I know how to not mark someone, yet give them a good scene. But if you’re a more experienced player and crave a proper lambasting, with the stripes to prove it, I’m more than happy to oblige.
If you’re interested, but have trepidations, there’s no harm in writing me and asking me questions. There’s no commitment to making an inquiry. I enjoy straight spanking, role playing and cross dressers. What I’m not up for is anything explicit. that might not be within the bounds of what is legal and proper. I’m a disciplinarian, not a mistress or a dominatrix, and my focus is on traditional corporal punishment. But I also understand that every person does not crave the same amount of pain or degree of strictness. This is where communication is key.
Email me at:
Or text me at: 702-395-0783 and I’ll let you know my requirements. If you write, please tell me as much as possible about yourself and your experiences with spanking. The more I know, the better I can tailor our time together.
Erin Faye Spanks in Vegas too!
Our newest Shadow Lane top, Erin Faye, is a Vegas disciplinarian too and you may contact her about her session requirements by writing to her at: Erin would also be delighted to join us in a double, if you fancy being punished by two strict ladies at once. Visit her website:
Sinsatinal Spankings
Cheers for now and one more thing, if you’re a submissive or switchable male and plan to attend the Shadow Lane Labor Day party, please be aware that there is always a Bad Boys’ Suite on Saturday afternoon, wherein I, and a number of other top ladies, usually six to eight of us, will be ready to hand out free sample spankings to all comers. Do not miss this opportunity to meet a bunch of fem doms and get spanked by them in a congenial environment. It’s super fun! (But it’s also Summer in Vegas, so be sure to shower right before you come into the suite, as it can get a little sultry with so many of us ladies spanking, strapping and paddling so many bad boys at once!)
Eve Howard's Blog November 2018 November 22 2018, 14 Comments
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts!
Can you believe how fast this year is flying by?
Thanks to our generous suite hosts, enthusiastic guests, lovely models, fellow producers and all friends of Shadow Lane and the spanking scene, we were able to successfully host our 38th Spanking Party and celebrate Labor Day weekend in classic Shadow Lane style.
For me, it was one of the best parties ever because I got to meet and play with, for the first time, several spanking fans I had been corresponding with for years and was very excited about meeting in person. Which brings me to a point I’d like to make about parties. Don’t let being shy with strangers cut you off from potential parties. Instead, do what many of us do, which is to establish contact with people, who already attend gala spanking events, or are thinking about doing so, beforehand.
Of the two gentlemen I met, one had never been to a Shadow Lane party or any other type of social event. And even so, he got to play six times at his first spanking party. I can’t stress how important establishing even one good contact, through correspondence, can be, to having a life changing time at a spanking event. For when you meet someone you’ve been writing to, neither are strangers and each is well disposed to like the other and to do more to meet their play expectations. I have to admit, that with the one gentleman who had never been to any kind of event before, I was astonished he actually came. He described it as breaking out of his shell at last. And it happened just like that. Nor is this the first time such a thing has happened. In our scene, it’s happening all the time. Maybe we are shy with outsiders, people with whom we have little to relate to. But this is our scene. When we know each other a little, even just through correspondence, the shyness disappears and our real selves emerge.
Scenes from 3 Whack Jobs
Joe Stryker burst out of his own shell about ten years ago, and through his own tireless networking, generous suite hosting and welcoming personality, has redefined the entire party scene. He’s also become one of our favorite go-to spanking video tops. In his third video for Shadow Lane, we challenged him with three bad girls at once. This is the group therapy caning scene from the finale of 3 Whack Jobs (SLV-232d).
Maddy Marks appears in her first Shadow Lane video, here alongside our darling Ten Amorette and naughty neighbor girl in Vegas, Violet October. As you can see from the front and rear views of our three spanking graces that Joe did his job admirably.
The scenario is a familiar one for Shadow Lane, a spanking therapist attempts to help troubled individuals to change their harmful behavior patterns through corporal punishment aversion therapy.
Miss Amorette, so lovely and ladylike in her beautiful red dress, hose and heels, admits to her spanking therapist, that she tends to procrastinate, which results in lateness to work, and more importantly, in paying bills. The solution is, of course, to spank her over pantyhose and panties, then deliver a stinging punishment to her pearly posterior.
Maddy Marks, a voluptuous glamazon, also shows up for her initial interview elegant attired in a becomingly short knit dress, pantyhose and charming heels. She admits to her spanking therapist that she suffers from all the usual millennial complaints: an obsession with social media, detachment from the real world, never reading a book, etc. She doesn’t want to be shallow and distracted her whole life and seeks focus. Naturally, her bottom receives the same treatment as Ten’s, with a good spanking over her hose and panties before being bared for an even better one. Like Ten, Maddy’s bottom is exceptionally beautiful and well rounded, creamy and smooth. In fact, with her long, curly red ringlets, porcelain skin and gorgeous blue eyes, Maddy is a living doll.
Dr. Joe’s third spanking grace is Violet October, who goes Maddy one better with her own brand of millennial mischief, for she’s a hipster girl vampire, who sleeps all day and parties all night, almost never seeing the sun, to which fact her alabaster complexion attests. Little Violet just turned 26 and seems to be getting more beautiful every year. She also takes one of the best spankings in the world.
The DVD is available here
Scenes from Teacher’s Pet Peeve
Delightful Veronica Weston, 26, and a genuine spanking enthusiast, comes to us from the hardcore world, but is already taking the spanking scene by storm. This is her first video for Shadow Lane and only her third spanking video ever and her excitement at being in the studio about to shoot with the wonderful Dee Williams, was real. So was our excitement at getting to work with this gorgeous and adorable girl.
Teacher’s Pet Peeve is about a girl who loves her teacher so much that she begins stalking her; not only with notes and emails and on social media, but in person. In fact, the scene opens with Miss Williams having a conference with Veronica about this disturbing behavior.
What I really like about this scenario is that it’s realistic. (Up to a point, of course) How many of us have had mad crushes on our teachers? And being into spanking, as we are, didn’t we always hope that crush would resolve itself into some sort of spanking situation between ourselves and our crush worthy teachers? We knew it wasn’t quite right to follow our teachers home, hang around outside their house, in short, do everything possible to maximize our exposure to the persons we were so wrongfully objectifying. But we didn’t think there would be any consequences. In the case of Veronica and her teacher, there are instantaneous consequences!
After their discussion, Veronica is dismissed, but instead of going away to ponder what she has heard, the naughty love struck girl student, lingers outside Miss William’s house, peeping in her windows!
A pantyhose, panty and bare bottom spanking is the reward for teacher stalking, and Veronica gets all of that from the furious, and naked, Miss Williams the moment after she is caught.
Miss Willliams regroups by putting on a dress and getting Veronica naked for the remainder of that impudent bi-girl’s punishment spanking.
Veronica’s lovliness is on full display. Miss Williams realizes how embarrassing this must be for Veronica, but she must make her student understand how much her bad behavior is jeopardizing her own beloved teacher’s reputation.
The sweet but severe Miss Williams treats Veronica to a variety of implements as she continues to refresh the pinkness and sting in her student’s bottom. Does naughty Veronica ever get the message in the end? You be the judge!
The DVD is available here
We’re sure all our viewers will agree that just a taste of Veronica Weston isn’t going to be enough to satisfy anyone. So, we’re shooting with this lovely again in just about a week. Our next video with Veronica will co-star the ever popular Steve Fuller and our own darling Violet October. What a beautiful way to seal 2018!
My Swedish Correspondent Jo Ma, recently sent me this story and an original illustration to share with you:
Hello my friend!
How are you?
A week ago, when I was vacuuming my apartment I just had a spanking fantasy pop into my head, in an instant, all the details, like as if it was a forgotten memory that came back to me. I made a drawing of it and thought you might want to see it. I also wrote the fantasy down, hastily written, probably a lot of spelling errors and bad grammar. Hope you'll like it!
In the early 1970s in Sweden a 29 year old man called John is a secret spanko. With not much luck of finding any interesting spanking material except for the rare, just a few seconds-scene i mainstream movies, spankings on the bottom of jeans or skirts. He lives in a city.
One day John has to go up north for work. He calls his aunt and wonders if its ok for him to stay with her and his 18 year old cousin Sandra for just one night. They live in a cozy cabin in a small village there. She says "of course" and tells him it's going to be very nice to get to see him again, they haven't met for five years.
John gets to their cabin (in a beautiful environment with woods and streams all around) late in the evening. His aunt and cousin is away and will return in the morning, so it has been arranged so that he can pick up a key hidden under a rock. Their cabin is one made of wood with a slanted roof. The upper floor of their cabin is just a loft (with slanted ceiling) where there is a bed and you get up there by climbing a ladder. John places all his stuff on that loft. As he lays down on the bed he looks over the edge of it and down on the floor below. There is the small living room, a table and a couch. His aunt and cousin each have one small bedroom on the lower floor. He falls asleep.
John wakes up the morning after from loud noises. Disorientated, he doesn't know where he is or what the fuss is all about. A second later he makes out the sound to be loud repeated slaps that echo in the cabin and wailing, sobbing and bawling. He peeks over the edge of his bed and what he sees is something that almost makes his heart stop from the shock. The 100% pleasant shock - this is the most arousing thing he has witnessed ever. What he sees is exactely what is in the drawing (the back of his head can be seen at the bottom of it). Quickly, as if on instinct, he picks one of his socks from the floor, puts it on his now throbbing hard cock, and starts humping the bed while at the same time looking down at the scene below. The scene that does seem to go on forever, no matter how much poor Sandra struggles, screams or wails. After he has had the most powerful orgasm in his life, the whole thing continues for about thirty seconds more, Sandra a blubbering very sorry mess at this time. Sandra, who John hasn't seen for 5 years, not even in photos. Sandra, who has become a stunning beauty.
A few minutes later Sandra is on her bed on her belly, the door locked. She cries in her pillow. Her bottom still bare. Her glowing red, stinging burning bottom. Crying from the pain, but also from shock. She, Sandra, the confident young woman has gotten a SPANKING! She never thought that would happend! On her BARE ass!!! How humiliating! But then her embarrassment increases even more as she hears her mother's embarrassed and shocked voice from the living room. And a man talking to her. To her shock Sandra now remembers that her older cousin has slept over. On the loft. Both her and her mother had forgotten about it!
The reason for Sandra's spanking had been an argument as they got home in the morning. Sandra had wanted to go to a hippie festival down south. Her mom had said no. Sandra had said that she does what she wants to - she's 18. Her mom had said "my house, my rules". Sandra had told her mom to "fuck off!", shouted at her. Her mom had been furious and demanded an apology. Sandra had stupidly repeated herself. Then her mom had grabbed her by the ear, intent on really teaching her a lesson.
This is all so embarrassing. Right after her spanking and days, weeks, months afterwards, Sandra obsesses with what she thinks, hope not, but kind knows what her cousin has seen. She even herself gets up on the loft and looks down. She realises that he MUST have woken up by her wailing and the hard slaps. He must have peeked down. And WHAT a view he has had of her then, Sandra blushes just from thinking about it.
3 years later Sandra is about to start going studying journalism. A night before she gets access to her dorm room she borrows John's apartment, in the same city. Luckily he is away in business. Luckily, because meeting him would be so embarrassing. Sandra snoops around his apartment a little. She finds his diary. She finds an entry in it, just a few days after her horrifying spanking. And there it is, his detailed description of it. Written by a true spanko, no detail spared. Sandra almost faints from embarrassment when she reads about how he has seen her, and what he has done while watching her. Descriptions of her "cute little asshole", her "bawling like a baby" and her "glowing red bare ass."
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas
with Eve Howard
I run my spanking sessions pretty much as I do my videos, with the emphasis on over the knee spanking. Notice how closely I’m holding Cheyenne? Once over my lap, you don’t get away.
There’s no substitute for a good, solid piece of spanking furniture, to properly position, expose and display a bare bottom for corporal punishment.
I like to change it up during a session, staring with over the knee, moving to bend over positions, but the focus is always the same, on the miscreant’s upturned bottom. As in Motivational Spanking, Violet October is often available to join me in sessions, as is Miss Gretta Carlson!
If you’re planning a visit to Vegas in the near future and fancy a genuine, Shadow Lane style spanking session, write me (Email: a note or a letter and tell me all about yourself and your history in the scene, and especially what you’re looking for in a spanking session. I’ve been into spanking all my life and have done all sorts of role play scenes, so please feel comfortable sharing your fantasies with me. I’ll let you know how we can make them happen.
Eve Howard's Blog July 2018 July 09 2018, 9 Comments
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts!
Two of my most favorite spanking ladies came to Shadow Lane to raise a little cain last weekend. It was the Good Cop Bad Cop reunion video, titled "Red Butts Matter", and fourteen years later, the original cast is still hot and juicy, maybe even more so.
Clare Fonda and Steve Fuller reprise their roles as Officers Verdana and Bookman.
Assigned to guard a shady blonde, who has just given evidence at a mob trial, Verdana and Bookman install the witness in a safe house, prior to her final relocation. Verdana seems to recognize their shapely charge but can’t place her as yet.
Up to her old tricks at once, as soon as Bookman leaves, Verdana insists on strip searching Miss Williams.
This is highly irregular and completely unnecessary, considering Miss Williams is no longer under arrest, but merely on her way to witness relocation. In other words, Verdana is out of order.
Verdana probes a little too far and Miss Williams gets mad.
Before Verdana can get her dress off, Miss Williams turns the tables on her fresh captor and tears off Verdana’s clothes instead, forcing that bad cop to present her bottom for the smacking she has coming.
Bookman returns to discover the unfortunate turn of events and despairing of Verdana’s unprofessional behavior in letting herself be manhandled by a witness in her own custody, turns her over his knee. Meanwhile, told to disrobe completely for her share of the punishment, Miss William’s Celtic cross immediately reminds Verdana of who this former petty criminal is, for they have all crossed paths long ago.
She may have changed her hair and bra size, but it’s the same Darling the officers knew of old. (With an even higher pain tolerance.)
Later that day, ignoring Bookman’s injunctions that they are to stay inside the house and not attract attention, Verdana allows herself to be persuaded by Miss Williams to go in the pool, first in the cute, government issue swim suits they find in the house, and then, completely nude.
When Bookman discovers that they have disobeyed him, there’s hell to pay, first quickly, outside, with their bottoms wet, while turned under his arm, then inside, for a long, satisfying, side by side spanking. This scenario, is all hand spanking, by the way. And Fuller has a very large, hard hand to put it over with.
The Party is Coming!
Just a reminder, the cut-off date for room reservations for the Labor Day Casino Royale Party is July 29, 2018!
Group code is: ASHDW18
Click here for full party details!!!
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas
with Eve Howard
Visiting Vegas this year? Want some excitement that doesn’t involve luck? A spanking session is a payoff you can count on.
You may have a very definite idea of what you crave, from a special list of implements to positions to phrases to attitude. Or, you may only know that you want and need to be spanked.
With someone like me, who has been into spanking their entire life, unless you have special instructions to the contrary, I tend to concentrate on over the knee discipline, supported by bend over punishments. If you leave it all to me, I will likely submit you to a long, otk spanking, pretty much bare bottom from the outset, with short breaks to examine your reddening bottom in the mirror, then, half way through the session, shift to bending you over for implements that work best in that position, such as paddles, straps, and if they are to your taste or curiosity, canes. Then I tend to finish with another over the knee spanking.
I can work with or without a set scenario, that’s entirely up to the spankee. I understand that some people just like to get spanked while they float away into subspace and that others are more interested in sharp scolding and learning lessons from their discipline. Tell me, when you write, what suits you best. If you’ve played with professional ladies before, please tell me who you have seen. The more you tell me of your own personal spanking history, the better our time together can be. Write: for my requirements. I do best with at least a few days prior notice.
Eve Howard's Blog May 2018 May 30 2018, 8 Comments
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts,
Shadow Lane presents our May 2018 release:
Tall Tails (SLV-230d)
Starring Snow Mercy
and introducing
Delta Hauser
and Ramona Vandermilk
Three statuesque switches trade stinging punishments to improve inter-office relations
Muffs are back and new Shadow Lane girls Delta Hauser and Ramona Vandermilk, aren’t shy about showing them, in this hard spanking, paddling and caning interlude, commandeered by the tempestuous Snow Mercy.
Snow plans to forcefully broker a peace between two antagonistic models, during a corporate retreat.
6’1” Ramona Milk insists that her boss Snow, has been playing favorites and awarding Delta all the plum assignments.
Snow is sick of these petty rivalries between her top models and uses her hairbrush to make her displeasure known.
To prove that Delta is not her favorite and receives no special treatment from her, Snow spanks the lithe brunette hard.
While Ramona accepts her scolding, her brain is working overtime, remembering certain items that could work to her advantage in getting the best of her spanking boss.
Getting her two recalcitrant employees nude, except for shoes, stockings, and garter belts, Snow smartens their round, pink bottoms up with a sound caning, evenly dispersed betwixt both luscious rears.
The shrewd girls use damning intel against their arrogant boss to completely turn the corporal punishment tables on her before the rosy glow has even faded from their own prodigiously paddled bottoms!
Not to mince words, they cane the holy hell out of Snow.
This is one of the hardest and most awesome canings you’ve ever seen Snow take.
We called this one Tall Tails because it’s our first ever video featuring all Amazon talent! Shadow Lane is delighted to welcome charming Delta Hauser and lovely Ramona Vandermilk to our family of spanking models. Both are dedicated scene ladies, whose bona fides include long tenures at L.A.’s two premiere spanking clubs, The Dominion and The Sanctuary.
DVD available here: TALL TAILS
Mystery Spanking
Lady Alice and Joe Stryker
What did this adorable girl do to deserve such a hard spanking and nude caning while bound????
Alice visits her trustworthy friend, Joe, with an unusual request. She wants to be severely disciplined, to expiate a sin she has recently committed. She refuses to tell Joe what she has done, but promises to reveal her misbehavior to him when she feels she has been punished enough. Mystified, but willing to accommodate the beautiful, petite, 23 year old, natural strawberry blonde, he takes her over his knee for a serious correction. When this fails to extract a confession, Stryker brings out the heavy artillery, namely a bench to tie her over, his belt, a strap and several canes with which to smarten up her shapely, radiant bottom even further. Will Joe get the truth out of Alice? (SLV-229d)
Running time: 35 minutes.
DVD available here: MYSTERY SPANKING
In her own words, “Lady Alice is a precocious Domina in Dallas, TX. She has a wide range of interests and proficiencies, including but not limited to discipline, ageplay, humiliation, and bondage. As a professional fetish model, Alice performs many roles; however, her passion is the practice of feminine dominance.”
We met Lady Alice for the first time at a party in Vegas in early 2018 and fell instantly under her spell. At 5’1” and 85 pounds, this tiny but fierce, 23 year old natural blonde is a vibrant force to be reckoned with. She’s a polite and charming Texas beauty with a burning interest in BDSM that goes back as far as she can remember.
Visually arresting, the sophisticated little minx has been corseting for years and learning everything about the art of dominance and submission, from bondage techniques to role play attitudes. She is all natural, with no ink, no silicone enhancements, no piercings and all the gifts of feminine grace and allure that nature can bestow. Moreover, she takes a great spanking, a real caning and fully nude bondage, with genuine enthusiasm.
With her numerous attractions and all out dedication to the B&D arts, we can’t help but think of Lady Alice as Violet October’s tiny doppelganger and plan to shoot them together as soon as possible!
Meanwhile, Lady Alice co-stars in her first Shadow Lane video with Joe Stryker, a new male top in the video scene, who made his Shadow Lane debut last year with lovely Mackenzie Reed in She’s Gonna Get It. In Mystery Spanking, Lady Alice and Joe have fantastic chemistry and she takes a multi-stage punishment that is satisfying on every level. Lady Alice will surely be declared the Spanking “It” Girl, of 2018!
DVD available here: MYSTERY SPANKING
The Full Punishment Package
Spanking, embarrassing enema and caning discipline — because the lady asked for it!
Starring Adriana Evans
and Sarah Gregory
A beautiful brunette visits a discipline therapy clinic, to experience her most secret and embarrassing spanking and enema fantasy. Miss Gregory prepares Adriana for her treatment with an introductory spanking and an anal retention plug.
But on her next visit, the shy charmer receives the full punishment package, including an enema and a stinging 24 stroke caning! Lusciously explicit, anal-centric spanking erotica with strict nurse Sarah topping and sweet Adriana bottoming, to their mutual excitement.
(SLV-228d) Running time: 53 minutes.
Shadow Lane Casino Royale Party 2018
Aug. 30, 2018- September 2, 2018 in Vegas!
Suncoast Hotel and Casino Resort
9090 Alta Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89145
Tickets are $40.00 per person. PURCHASE PARTY TICKETS ONLINE
This admits you to our cocktail party and spanking mixer all four nights!
All sorts of hard and soft drinks and snacks provided each night.
Playing encouraged in the party suite. Too early to list all the various events and suite parties (such as Bad Boys Suite, Spanking Court, etc.) that will take place that weekend, but the Shadow Lane suite party schedule is as follows:
Thursday (8/30/18) 8 pm to Midnight
Friday (8/31/18) and Saturday (9/1/18) 9 pm to 1 am
Sunday (9/2/17) 8 pm to Midnight
Party attire and protocol: Fetish wear (super short skirts, uniforms, leather, latex, etc.) is always welcome in our suite, but please be discreet when going down to the casino, so as not to attract undue attention to our group.
By the same token, please don't engage in obvious spanktalk in elevators, pool areas or anywhere in the hotel other than our suites and your own rooms. Keep doors to suites and rooms closed. No playing in the halls. No signage on rooms, per requests of the hotel.
We will have a board in our suite to post other suite parties and events throughout the weekend. Closer to the party, we will also have a phone app called Guidebook that guests with smart phones can refer to.
Please do not invite other hotel guests or employees to "check out" our party. Only Shadow Lane ticket holders are welcome in our private suite.
All ticket holders will receive an official (and spiffy collectible) Shadow Lane party button and wrist band, color coordinated to your orientation, if you choose, upon arrival at our suite, that will serve as their admission token to all events. Wear your button and/or wrist band whenever you enter a party suite that weekend. We will not mail out buttons in advance, but we will have a master list of everyone who pays in advance to consult upon your arrival.
Cut off date for guaranteed room reservations at the group rates is July 29th, 2018.
Group rates start for the party on Wednesday, August 29th. The party officially starts on Thursday night and goes through Sunday. Some guests may get there as early as Wednesday and stay through Monday.
Group Rates for the party week
Sunday through Thursday $64; Friday and Saturday $122 for regular deluxe ad golf view rooms
Sunday through Thursday $205, Friday and Saturday $265 1 bedroom executive suite
Sunday through Thursday $280, Friday and Saturday $330 2 bedroom Mediterranean suite
Sunday through Thursday $525, Friday and Saturday $590 2 bedroom Presidential Suite
Hotel has a mandatory $17.99 plus tax (currently at 13%) per room, per day Resort Fee which is in addition to room and tax charges. Benefits include access to the 24-hour fitness center, Wi-Fi in the guest rooms, self-parking, single serve coffee brewers, in-room safe, in-room refrigerator, scheduled airport shuttle service (reservations required), unlimited toll free and local telephone calls, wake up service and paging.
Prior to cut-off date, individuals are encouraged to book their reservations on-line. To receive your special group rate members will need to enter the assigned Reservation ID: ASHDW18 through the Hotel’s website at
Prior to cut-off date, individuals may also call Hotel’s Room Reservations Department direct at 866-636-7111 Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm; Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. and identify themselves as members of a group or convention with Reservation ID: ASHDW18
If you have any questions call us at 702 395 0783 or text us to that number. Or, email me:
Spanking Sessions in Vegas with Eve Howard
The next time you’re in Vegas…how about getting that spanking you’ve been dreaming about? There’s really nothing to be afraid of, apart from the pain and humiliation. But that’s where the fun is, right? I have a good deal of experience spanking men and as a mature disciplinarian, I fit well into mother, aunt, teacher, boss and neighbor lady fantasies. I also enjoy just spanking, while my submissive zones out and floats away to subspace, minus any scenario. Tailor the scene how you like, writing me in advance with specifics. Tell me about yourself and your personal spanking history and exactly what you envision as the ideal scene. I am available on long or short notice, but not same day, usually, so hit me up as soon as you know when you’ll be in Vegas and we’ll take it from there. Email: or text your query to my office phone: 702-395-0783
Eve Howard's Blog February 2018 February 13 2018, 8 Comments
Eve Howard’s Spanking Blog
February 2018
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts! My Swedish correspondent, Johnny, joins everyone at Shadow Lane in wishing you a hot pink Valentine’s Day. He presents these delightful new illustrations for your consideration:
If you enjoyed these illustrations, look up Johnny_75 from Stockholm, Sweden on Fetlife and encourage his spanking art! He’s a cool hipster and I’ve told him I’d be happy to feature him in a spanking video if he ever shows up stateside.
Now here are some scenes from our February release, Miss Snoopy Pants, starring Violet October and Dee Williams.
During convention week, Violet chooses an ABNB in the home of Ms Williams. But the little blonde is a terrible guest, for Dee soon catches her snooping through her business files. To teach Ms October a lesson, Dee spanks her. But the lesson doesn’t take, and later Dee surprises Violet going through her sex toys! Naturally this leads to a much more serious spanking, this time with a butt plug. Classic spanking, nudity for Violet, lovely scolding, blonde on blonde heaven.
This is the first time we’ve shot with Violet in over a year. We think you’ll agree, she’s looking dreamier than ever. We love Violet so, she was a gift from the spanking gods.
We first met Darling, aka Dee Williams, a good fourteen years ago, when she co-starred with Clare Fonda and Steve Fuller in our best selling video Good Cop, Bad Cop. Suddenly, she pops up, our new Vegas neighbor girl! She’s got a cute new hair style and a ravishing new silhouette to go with it. And lo and behold, she’s become an extremely good top.

Available now on DVD:
Southern Discomfort
with Eve Howard

Looking forward to meeting you!
Eve Howard's Spanking Blog Fall 2017 September 27 2017, 10 Comments
Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts,
In this beautiful first week of Autumn, everyone at Shadow Lane is still in a bouyant mood from the 2017 Casino Royale Labor Day party, which continues to be the high light of our year. We’ve been doing these parties for 26 years now and have collected many dear friends and associates along the way. Seeing spanking friends in this rarified setting is its own kind of holiday.
A happy reunion for Nikki Rouge and Steve Fuller. She co-starred in her first Shadow Lane video with Steve, Bare Assets in 2010 and has since become of our major assets.
Thanks to that ever changing, yet never changing, group of truly pro-active spanking people, the ones who meet each other, come out to parties and throw parties of their own, we were able to turn a certain Vegas resort, into spanking heaven for a long weekend.
Uber minx Violet October came to the party with her cute boyfriend
Spanking trysts were had, spanking games were played and spanking flirtations were going on around the clock on our private floors. Our suite party was supported by other suite parties, generously hosted by Colodom and Spank4Fun, Dr. Lectr and Mackenzie, Merlin and The Bad One, Harry Michaels, Candee and Lou, and Steven and Tasha, who threw a South of the Border fiesta. Even the “Littles” got to play in a suite of their own, courtesy of Candee and Lou.
Harley Havik in her favorite party apparel, school girl drag. She does it so well!
Joe Lectr hosted not only the Vendor Fair and Spanking Court (presided over by Strict Dave), but also the Shaken Not Stirred dance party, with Bob the D.J., as well as Club Finn, run by Fineous Finn, whose two hour lady spoiling event included: flogging, massages, rhythmic caning, jacuzzi, sensation play, champagne and chocolate. (Nicely played Fineous, no wonder you’re so popular!)
Zoey and Chloe pose before Dr. Lectr’s traveling X-Frame.
And of course, one of the most popular suite events continued to be the Saturday afternoon Bad Boys suite, where any bad boy who dares to enter, was spanked by any number of top ladies present. I counted at least a dozen.
Me and a buddy, enjoying some private play time.
September was a month of high video production for Shadow Lane.
Alisha Williams makes her Shadow Lane video debut in “Brit Brat”, co-starring with Keith Jones. He plays her strict dad in this video available now!
Alisha Williams uses the method acting technique to communicate what it feels like to be a punished daughter. She’s a one of a kind English rose and we’re thrilled to have shot her with our most popular male top.
Naughty is as naughty does in “Spanking Climax”, starring beautiful Adriana Evans and the one and only Brian Tarsis. It’s a hard spanking video that is also extremely sexy, involving intricate rope bondage and butt plug stimulation. This video proves that real discipline can also be an erotic turn on. Due for release in early October.
Nikki Rouge initiates Lloyd Kern into the circle of Shadow Lane models. This video’s working title is: “Correction of a Careless Boy.” We expect to release it in late October.
From Sweden with Spanks
Many thanks to Johnny_75, (the artist formerly known as E.V.E.), our man in Sweden, a very gifted cartoonist who has been sharing some of his delightful drawings with me these past few years. His cartoons always tell a story, and the stories always have the same theme: a naughty beauty gets spanked!
Here are some more lovely images from J75:
When baseball practice goes wrong.
After all that work, she dropped the cake!
Her cute pants suit won’t save this careless blonde.
The good, the bad and the paddled.
If you’d like to compliment Johnny_75 on his charming art work, you can friend him and write him on FetLife. That’s the free social website serving the whole of the BDSM scene worldwide. It’s private, easy to join, easy to post on, and a fine place to make contacts and communicate with other spanking people and every other type of fetishist that you can think of. Our generous artist goes by Johnny_75 on FetLife.
I go by EveHoward and you can follow me there as well and Tony is on as shadowlane. There is also a group there called Shadow Lane Spanking, that everyone is welcome to post to. Fetlife is a great place to look up other spanking folk in your own geographic area, so do take advantage of this free resource. They don’t ask for real names or i.d. of any kind, and they do allow members to post any type of spanking or non spanking photos. I suggest that if you’re looking to connect with other spanking people, especially for romantic purposes, you post a photo with your profile.
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas with Eve
Planning a trip to Vegas? Do you crave a spanking, and think about getting one all the time, but remain frustrated? Whether you are a seasoned spankee, who doesn’t get spanked nearly enough, or a first time adventurer, the spanking you want and need awaits you right here. I've been into spanking my whole life and as you can see from my videos, I understand the core principals of the fetish as well as anyone can. I am a disciplinarian and my sessions are restricted to corporal punishment in the traditional sense of the word. This means: spanking, paddling, strapping and sometimes, caning. Limits can be tested with severe corporal punishment or you can be moderately disciplined by your affectionate auntie or caring school teacher; it's all about your own individual tastes and how make them central to your session.
Email: and let me know something of your spanking history, when you'll be in town and how your ideal spanking scenario would unfold. I'll write back promptly and let you know how we might make that happen on your upcoming visit.
Eve Howard's Spanking Blog May 2017 May 28 2017, 7 Comments
Greetings Fellow Spanking Enthusiasts!
Here in the Southwest, Summer has arrived. Which means that the time has come to start making plans and reservations to attend the Annual Shadow Lane Labor Day Casino Royale Party, here in Las Vegas. Some basic information follows, so you can make your arrangements to attend. Later on there will be more particulars. Meanwhile, if you've never heard of the Shadow Lane party, here are the most important details in a nutshell.
Shadow Lane has been hosting spanking parties for 25 years. They are social gatherings for spanking people only.
Most spanking people crave the chance to play with others, fulfill their fantasies, form playful friendships and in some cases, enjoy the pleasures of spanking romance.
The purpose of the party is to give spanking enthusiasts a friendly, private, low-pressure environment, in which to socialize and play.
It's a four night spanking mixer, held in a Vegas casino resort hotel.
We provide a hospitality suite and a group rate for a room or suite in a part of the hotel set aside for our group.
During the party, guests float around from suite to suite, and back to their own rooms, in sets or groups, to continue socializing and playing. In many cases, people use the big room to connect with people, then go off together and play in their private rooms. Other people play in the suites, in front of everyone and it is most enjoyable to watch. There is a lot of public playing in the suites and a lot more private playing, behind closed doors.
If you're shy, don't worry about it. Many people don't even play at their first party, but watch and take things in.
This is a social event for spanking people, but as in any mixer situation, whether you are able to connect or not, largely relies upon you and your own social skills.
Generally two to three hundred guests fill the hotel that weekend and on our private floors, spanking sounds can be heard coming out of almost every room at peak hours.
In our suite, it's a spanking cocktail party every night, from Thursday through Sunday of the holiday weekend. We have an open bar, snacks, music and a mic. (If you want to hear anything special, bring it on your ipod and we'll get it played.) The admission is an affordable $40 for all four nights, and the weekday rates for Sunday-Thursday are low, so many guests will stay three or even four nights.
As the summer progresses, we will be mentioning various events that will be taking place during the weekend. At this point, it is way too early to post any sort of coherent suite party schedule. Looking forward to seeing old friends and new faces! Any questions? Call 702-395-0783 and Tony or I will be happy to answer them.
Labor Day Weekend Party 2017
Summer Releases 2017 from Shadow Lane
A double scenario spanking drama
starring Clare Fonda and Butch Simms
Shadow Lane is thrilled to welcome back Clare Fonda as a spankee after a many year absence from our collective laps. She is saucier and sexier than ever, and the perfect match for our own Butch Simms, who spanks her in two scenarios.
Part 1: Stiffed and Miffed
After working all day installing a faucet, a plumber is informed by his inconsiderate customer, that all he will receive for his labor is a post dated check. Having had to chase this lady for payments in the past, the plumber informs her that he'll take cash that very day, or wear his arm out spanking her. When she protests, Butch gives her a stinging taste of his righteous indignation, turning her silky smooth white bottom dark pink with his hard hand.
Part 2: Freudian Slap
A troubled individual visits a therapist to complain that no one pays attention to him. But in the middle of bearing his soul to the psychological practitioner, Mr. Simms notices that, ironically, Ms. Fonda isn't paying the slightest bit of attention to him. Naturally Butch loses it and straight up calls her out on her glaring lack of empathy, not to mention, her insultingly unprofessional behavior. Next thing she knows, Clare finds herself over his knee for a complete attitude adjustment. Butch spanks the living daylights out of her!
This is a hard spanking, with plenty of reaction.
She's actually a terrible spanking therapist. But she is a great spankee!
Filled with hard spanking, witty dialog and unique personality, Freudian Slap features two lively scenarios, starring cute, funny, charismatic Clare Fonda, and co-starring the mighty Butch Simms. (SLV-221d) AVAILABLE SOON!
New male submissive- female dominant release!
Starring Nikki Rouge and Mike Fluffy
It's our first video with Nikki where she tops a boy, and as you can see from this photo, the lady is very comfortable in this role.
Nikki is one of us, a true spanking person. You can see this in how she holds, scolds and controls her submissives.
Amazonian tops, with their power and strength, are accustomed to taking command. Men and boys have no choice but to kneel and obey.
As a traditionalist, Nikki never fails to begin with with an over the knee hand spanking.
I've had some requests for spanking with a wooden spoon. Does it bring back memories for some of you?
No 1950's housewife ever mastered the art of spanking a boy more perfectly than Miss Rouge.
A multi-stick cane holds and keeps Fluffy's attention while the deft disciplinarian lays it vigorously across his upturned bottom.
Beautifully clad in vintage girdle, bra, seamed stockings and 6.5" pumps, Nikki wields a beautiful Irish leather paddle to bring up the blush in her naughty houseboy's plump, firm cheeks.
Concluding as she began, with an over the knee, bare bottom spanking for her lazy, idle, wool gathering, chore forgetting boy Friday, Nikki leaves a lasting impression with her very hard hand. Leg lovers: look at the vintage perfection of those insteps, calves, knees and thighs. What submissive wouldn't palpitate at the chance to go across that glorious lap?
Nikki's Boy Toy is scheduled for release in June 2017!
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas
With Eve Howard
Planning a trip to Vegas? Don't get spanked enough, as a general rule? Do you crave a spanking, and think about getting one all the time, but remain frustrated? Whether you are a seasoned spankee, who gets spanked, but not nearly enough, or a first time adventurer, the spanking you want and need awaits you right here. I've been into spanking my whole life and as you can see from my videos, I understand the core principals of the fetish as well as anyone can. I am a disciplinarian and my sessions are restricted to corporal punishment in the traditional sense of the word. This means: spanking, paddling, strapping and sometimes, caning. Limits can be tested with severe corporal punishment or you can be moderately disciplined by your affectionate auntie or caring school teacher; it's all about your own individual tastes and how make them central to your session.
Email: and let me know something of your spanking history, when you'll be in town and how your ideal spanking scenario would unfold. I'll write back promptly and let you know how we might make that happen on your upcoming visit.
Cheers for now and hope to see many of you at the Labor Day party, of which the Bad Boys Suite is always a feature. Generously hosted by our friend Harry M., a group of dominant ladies, including me, arrive at the suite with our toys, and hold a two hour spankathon on Saturday afternoon, dispensing gratis discipline to any bad boy who politely requests this attention. I always bring my little notebook, notate the number of strokes I administer, with each implement, and have the spankee sign the page.
Eve Howard's Spanking Blog March 2017 March 30 2017, 5 Comments
Greetings Spanking Enthusiasts!
No one makes me smile like Clare Fonda, who visited Shadow Lane this weekend, and for the first time in years, got in front of our cameras as a spankee again! Drop in on my blog next month around this time, when I'll post exclusive pix from her video with Butch Simms, titled Freudian Slap!
Meanwhile, Spring has sprung and the spanking party season has begun. And for people all over the country who have committed to spanking as part of their social lives, trips are being planned to attend various spanking parties from coast to coast. Luckily, for Shadow Lane, some of these parties happen in Vegas, which brings many models from distant shores into our sphere. Our first featured video this month, "She's Gonna Get It", stars an adorable new couple, in Vegas for that very reason last month.
Joe Stryker, the top in our new video, has been throwing his own superb spanking parties for several years and is as into it as anyone you will ever meet. Practice makes perfect and he's a great spanker.
Joe's beautiful girlfriend, Mackenzie Reed, is just 23 and this was only her second professional modeling appearance. She is a charming and sensitive recent college grad, refined and natural in every degree, a petite brunette goddess, who takes a hard spanking, as though in an ecstasy of sensation.
Like Joe, and most of us, Mackenzie has been dreaming of spanking forever. Now she is living all of her spanking fantasies and that is why she is so beautiful to watch.
"She's Gonna Get It" is available now! ORDER HERE
Scenes from "Love, Worship and Submit"
Another delightful new couple shot with us for the first time earlier this month. Meet beautiful Mistress Aleana and her subbed out boytoy Bart Jackson, who co-star in our new video
Love, Worship and Submit!
This was our 220th video shoot and I was particularly thrilled to discover that this new, high tolerance spankee, got his start in spanking videos at Nu-West! And right around the same time I was going there to shoot for Ed Lee. Bart told us that he'd worked at Nu-West/Leda for years, while he was in his early twenties, taking hard hairbrush spankings and everything else from all the popular top ladies of that era.
Then Bart went on to shoot fifty videos for Jennifer Brooks, that gorgeous blonde switch who got her start with Shadow Lane.
You can imagine how happy I was to find that my new sub male model was so experienced, so able to take hard spankings, etc., and so comfortable in front of the camera. But there was something else to be excited about, he brought an absolutely outstanding top lady with him, Mistress Aleana. I had seen one little clip of them together a few weeks ago and knew immediately that she is something special. Aleana has more than beauty, she possesses poise, grace, the gift of eloquence and lingerie from Agent Provocateur. She expresses her natural dominance verbally, physically and psychologically. And she's sexy as hell through it all.
Mistress Aleana makes her boyfriend ache for her favors, but denies him everything but a vigorous cock slapping, an enthusiastic face slapping and a good, hard corporal punishment session. Fawning on the neighborhood ladies and doing chores and errands for them, instead of attending to his own, has earned him a severe serving of discipline.
In her soft, sex-kittenish voice, and using her supple, slender, shapely, toned body to mesmerize and bring Bart to his knees, Aleana is seductively severe. Yet the energy she brings to administering punishment is unflagging. You just have to see and hear her in action to realize just how interesting she is. This is to be an early April 2017 release.
Scenes from "Caught Red-Handed"
Our other new video, just shot a few weeks ago in Los Angeles, "Caught Red-Handed", features another beautiful new model, Harley Havik. This tall, slender, fantastically shapely, long haired blonde, is a sassy switch, who received her education in the corporal punishment arts at the Sanctuary, the premiere spanking club across from LAX. She shares the stage in this modern spanking drama, with the divine Snow Mercy and one of our favorite and most popular male tops, Steve Fuller, back from a 6 year hiatus from videos.
Snow plays a corrupt traffic cop who shakes an offender down for a bribe to kill a ticket. Harley agrees to the payout, with ill grace, murmuring offensive comments to her uniformed persecutor. This attitude results in Harley being soundly spanked.
Harley reveals this embarrassing incident to her boyfriend, in the interest of foiling the bad police lady's nefarious plans and getting revenge on her at the same time. Steve is all for administering justice to Officer Snow, but not before he makes scofflaw Harley answer for her own misdemeanors. Steve spanks Harley hard.
When Officer Snow comes to collect her payoff money the following day, she is confronted by Harley, Harley's boyfriend, and the video Harley secretly phone-recorded, of Snow abusing her the previous day. Snow obviously wants none of this going on her record, so she submits to the discipline Steve decides she deserves, namely a very hard, bare bottom, over the knee spanking, while Harley gets to watch.
Two exceptional spankees, with lovely faces, rounded bosoms, small waists, long legs, stunning bottoms and peachy creamy skin that gets deliciously pink, fill the screen with beauty. And on top of that, Steve Fuller is back! This video is scheduled for release shortly.
While we were filming at our L.A. location, Stephanie Locke stopped by and couldn't resist spanking the lovely Sky Terrapin, a stunning Amazon switch who currently works at The Dominion, L.A.'s longest running spanking club. Sky and Stef are excellent friends and love to session together. Snow introduced us to Sky during this shoot and we all agreed that she should come to Shadow Lane some day and shoot with us!
Spanking Sessions in Las Vegas
With Eve Howard
Planning a visit to Vegas? Isn't it time you treated yourself to an exciting spanking scene? Haven't you been dreaming about going over a woman's lap, having your pants pulled down and being spanked for longer than you can remember?
I love putting a bad boy through what I call a Shadow Lane audition, where I see if you can take as much as I would require from one of my video guys. This means a long, hard, bare bottom, over the knee spanking; then, a series of bend over punishments, with paddles and straps.
It's fun (for me) to test your limits. (However, much milder sessions are available to those with modest pain tolerances.) Write and tell me what you envision as the perfect spanking and I'll let you know how we can make that happen.
I particularly enjoy role playing but understand that some spankees are merely seeking sensations, without any guilt or shame attached. Everyone approaches spanking differently. Please share your fantasies with me! Email me:
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